30 political leaders representing 10 Latin American countries gathered on Saturday in Puebla, capital of the state of Puebla in Mexico, as a part of a project called ProgressiveMind (ProgresivaMente), aimed at uniting progressive forces from the continent.

Top Nightlife in Puebla: See reviews and photos of nightlife attractions in Puebla, Mexico on Tripadvisor. Sitio web oficial del Puebla de la Franja. Puebla Travel Blog. Puebla is in a scenic mountainous region about 120 km southeast of Mexico City. It is the fourth-largest city in Mexico and is the home of mole, a popular Mexican sauce. POPULATION: 1,500,000. WEATHER: Subtropical highland (14-19. Sitio web oficial del Puebla de la Franja.


Ex-member of the Mexican Congress and current Governor of Puebla, Luis Miguel Barbosa Huerta hosted the meeting which was attended by prominent leaders including member of the Uruguayan Socialist Party, Daniel Martinez, former Colombian President Ernesto Samper, former Organization of American States (OAS) Secretary General, Miguel Insulza, leader of the Mexican Regeneration Movement, Yeidckol Polevnsky, and former Head of Government of Mexico City and a founder of the Party of the Democratic Revolution, Cuauhtemoc Cardenas.

The conference lasted two days and included issues related to the future of the continent.

Huerta stressed at the inauguration that a progressive movement as the one they ought to create, should be 'honest, transparent, fiscally prudent and close to the people.'

'We must be able to provide effective ideas to put an end to the dramatic hurdle of migration, and most importantly, we must create conditions of equality to achieve the well-being of our peoples,' he said.

En #Puebla, reunidos en el encuentro “ProgresivaMente, un Nuevo Impulso Progresista”, con líderes políticos de #AméricaLatina en el análisis de estrategia y acción para dar “un nuevo impulso progresista” a la región. @ernestosamperp@MBarbosaMX@yeidckolpic.twitter.com/W9raXfIAB0

— Yeidckol Polevnsky (@yeidckol) 14 juillet 2019
In Puebla, gathered in the forum 'ProgresivaMente', a new political initiative, with political leaders from Latin America, to analyze a strategy of action and to give 'a new progressive impulse' to the region.
To reach their goals, the 30 signatories announced they will set up a number of initiatives to eradicate hunger, ensure education of quality, public health for all, and the protection of human rights among other priorities.

The group wrote in a communiqué published on its website, that the region is experiencing a new wave of neoliberal governments, only interested in promoting the interests and privileges of a certain elite, when people’s social and economic situations keep on worsening along with the democracy, the respect of the law, the human rights and the environment.

“We invite progressives to build a new common project that will allow us to return to our peoples the hopes for a fairer, more supportive, more egalitarian society,” the group stated, proposing to involve all the sectors of society to question the status quo, and to denounce the policies of the current far-right and right-wing governments.

It recalled that a war has been unleashed in recent years against progressive leaders of Latin America, taking as example the case of the latest revelations about the connivance between judge and prosecutors, to incarcerate ex-President of Brazil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

Lideranças latinoamericanas dizem que prisão de Lula não condiz com ‘o respeito que se merece uma pessoa que derrotou a pobreza’ | Vía @Estadao | #ProgresivaMentehttps://t.co/7i8Z93Dv0b

— ProgresivaMente (@ProgresaLatam) 15 juillet 2019Club Puebla 1819 Kitsempty Spaces The Blog
Latin American leaders say Lula's arrest disrespects the leader who fought against poverty.

'Fascist right-wing governments have gained many Latin American countries, so I think it's time for us to work together in an organized way and to close our ranks,' Polevnsky said at the closing of the forum.

Concerning the administration of the project, which will take up its duties from August 1, Huerta said it will have a 'leftist, progressive profile” adding that it “does not mean entering into conflict with other sectors of the society.”

The event was also attended by Chilean filmmaker and politician Marco Enríquez Ominami, former presidential candidate of Brazil Fernando Haddad, as well as Gabriela Rivadeneira, President of the National Assembly of Ecuador under former President Rafael Correa’s mandate.


The first month of the year via the Julian and Gregorian calendars and the first of seven months to have a length of 31 days.. In the northern hemisphere, January is usually considered the second month of winter and named for the Roman god Janus, the protector of gates and doorways. Janus is depicted with two faces, one looking into the past, the other looking into the future.

The month of January is known for celebrating the New Year, in addition to the start of new beginnings. The new year allows people to create a number of resolutions that may lead to new paths, lifestyles, or even challenge ourselves to a new adventure that we’ve always wanted to take part in. Along with celebrating the new year, the month of January has a number of cool facts that makes it unique from the other eleven months. Some cool facts of January are the symbols, like the birthstone, Garnet. Garnet is a part of rock-forming minerals which are made up of silicate groups. There are different colors associated with it, however the main color of Garnet is a deep red. Along with Garnet’s physical properties, it also has a representation of constancy. Another cool fact is that January is home for two zodiac signs, which are both Capricorn (until January 19th) and Aquarius (starts January 20th).

There are a variety of fun facts, historical events, and holidays that make the month of January unique from the other months of the year. However, there are also significant dates in January that we will recognize and one of those days are part of the reason why citizens feel safe and makes the world a better place.



National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day is honored on the 9th of January every year. Individuals who choose to have a profession in Law Enforcement are one of the reasons why citizens can feel protected and secure in their communities. This is important for our society, because Law Enforcement Officers uphold the rule of law, they are reliable in emergency situations, and it is also essential for them to help prevent violence in communities. The main purpose of law enforcement in a free society is to promote public safety and uphold the rule of law so that individual liberty may flourish. Trust and accountability between law enforcement and the communities they are sworn to protect is essential to advancing these goals.

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Considering the day-to-day duties of Law Enforcement Officers, it is important for the citizens to make them feel appreciated. According to NationalDayCalendar.com, “Several organizations came together to create National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day in 2015 to thank officers across the country for all the daily sacrifices they make for their communities. Some of the organizations supporting the observance include:

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                • Concerns of Police Survivors
                • FBI National Academy Associates
                • Fraternal Order of Police
                • International Association of Chief of Police
                • Officer Down Memorial Page
                • Law Enforcement United
                • National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund
                • International Conference of Police Chaplains
                • National Troopers Coalition

Since then the inaugural celebration, nationwide many more organizations have joined forces to support National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day (L.E.A.D.) to spread encouragement and respect to these dedicated men and women.”

A way for citizens to show our support and appreciation to Law Enforcement Officers is; we can show off the color blue in our clothing or even on social media platforms, writing and sending thank you letters, to express our gratitude and creativity.


In the month of January 2021, The Pavian and Cavell O’Connor Foundation Incorporated is honored to feature Mecca Sinclair-Jackson. Mecca Sinclair-Jackson has chosen a profession that shows that she is dedicated to making the world a better place. Due to the significance of National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day (L.E.A.D.) U.S. citizens are grateful to show our appreciation to all Law Enforcement Officers for making our communities safer.

Photography and Autobiograph by Ms. Mecca Sinclair-Jackson

I am born and raised in North Carolina. In 2015, I attended the Historically Black College and University, better known as Winston-Salem State University. I made the best decision to become a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. and graduated with a bachelors degree in Justice Studies to be able to better serve my community post grad. Fast forward to 2020, I am pleased to say I’ve started my young career as a Probation and Parole Officer, supervising many people who need a second chance in our justice system.

The Pavian and Cavell O’Connor Foundation Incorporated would like to recognize the following officers of the law:

Officer Clive Higgins

Officer George Berridge

By Ms. Fajr N. O’Connor

Significant Dates

Fri, 1 Jan: New Year’s Day marks the start of a new year on the Gregorian calendar. The Gregorian calendar was first introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 and began to be used in Britain and its colonies in 1751. It is a solar calendar which maintains synchrony with the tropical year. This holiday is celebrated every year on January 1st.

Sat, 9 Jan: Law Enforcement Appreciation Day was created to celebrate police officers. It’s a day to thank them for the public service they provide and to show support. It is also a time to commemorate the officers that have died in the line of duty.

Mon, 18 Jan: Martin Luther King Day celebrates the life and accomplishments of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. MLK promoted Civil Rights through nonviolent civil disobedience. He is perhaps best known for his ‘I have a dream…’ speech in 1963. He was assassinated in 1968. Martin Luther King, Jr. day became a federally recognized holiday in 1983. The first year this holiday was observed was 1986, and not by all states. In 2000, it became a nationally observed holiday in all states. Martin Luther King Jr. Day takes place on the third Monday of January each year.

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Wed, 20 Jan: Inauguration Day marks the beginning of the new four year term of the President of the United States. The Inauguration of the US President garners national attention. Held in Washington D.C., the Inauguration ceremony takes place on the western front of the US Capitol Building. This day is a federally recognized holiday for all workers within the District of Columbia, and several counties in both Maryland and Virginia. Inauguration Day falls on January 20th every fourth year, unless the 20th falls on a Sunday. In this case, it is held on January 21st.

Sun, 24 Jan: International Day of Education was proclaimed in December of 2018 by the U.N General Assembly. This observance aims to raise awareness about the importance of education for peace and development. According to UNESCO, over 260 million children do not attend school and over 600 million children and teenagers are unable to read or do basic math. The observance is celebrated every year on January 24th.

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Tue, 26 Jan: National Spouses Day celebrates and reminds married couples to appreciate their relationship and to be thankful for always having their partner by their side. This observance happens every year on January 26th.