According to R-13 Notes of Electronic Devices and Circuits Notes Pdf – EDC Pdf Notes. Download EDC Notes 1 here. Download EDC Notes 2 here. Download EDC Notes 3 here. Download EDC Notes 4 here UNIT-I. P-n Junction Diode: Qualitative Theory of p-n Junction. P-n Junction as a Diode, Diode Equation. The Art of Electronics Third Edition At long last here is the thoroughly revised and updated and long-anticipated third edition of the hugely successful The Art of Electronics. Widely accepted as the best single authoritative text and reference on electronic circuit design both analog and digital the first two editions were translated into.

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The Art of Electronics 3rd Edition | by Horowitz and Hill – new site, about section and preface. Adafruit will have the book available in our store! Sign up now!

  • 1224 large format pages
  • 80 tables listing some 1650 components
  • 1470 figures and 90 oscilloscope screenshots
  • Extensive practical advice
  • Back-of-the-envelope techniques
  • Exhaustive index

Paul Horowitz is Professor of Physics and of Electrical Engineering, Emeritus at Harvard University, where he teaches physics and electronics. He originated Harvard’s Laboratory Electronics course more than 25 years ago. His research interests include observational astrophysics, x-ray and particle microscopy, optical interferometry, and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. He is the author of some 200 scientific articles and reports, has consulted widely for industry and government, and is the designer of numerous electronic and photographic instruments.

Winfield Hill is Director of Electronic Engineering at the Rowland Institute for Science (founded by Edwin Land), where he has designed some 250 electronic instruments. Recent interests include high-voltage RF (to 15kV) and precision high-current electronics (to 6000A). He was formerly at Harvard University, where he designed over one hundred electronic and scientific instruments; he then founded Sea Data Corporation, where as chief engineer he designed some fifty oceanographic instruments. He has collaborated in numerous deep ocean experiments, and has authored a dozen scientific and technical articles.

(Our Ladyada is quoted on the book jacket!)

“Who among us has not kept a cherished copy of AoE on our workbench throughout our careers? Engineers, hackers, and makers of all stripes: rejoice, for the third edition of AoE has been worth the wait! Packed with tons of delicious knowledge to navigate electronics in both work and hobby. An encyclopedia of electronics knowledge, AoE is a pleasure to read through for tips and tricks AND is a unbeatable resource! Take a day out to read a chapter — you will learn things you didn’t even know you didn’t know. Or, refer to the pinouts, diagrams, and techniques as necessary to guide you through a difficult project. If you think electrical engineering is magical then you must pick up this tome!”Limor “Ladyada” Fried, Adafruit Industries

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Adafruit Industries - The Art of Electronics 3rd Edition

Click here to download The Art of Electronics 3rd edition table of contents (PDF). You can request a sample chapter here.

TOC here…

List of Tables xxii

Preface to the First Edition xxv

Preface to the Second Edition xxvii

Preface to the Third Edition xxix

ONE: Foundations

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Voltage, current and resistance
1.3 Signals
1.4 Capacitors and ac circuits
1.5 Inductors and transformers
1.6 Diodes and diode circuits
1.7 Impedance and reactance
1.8 Putting it all together – an AM radio
1.9 Other passive components
1.10 A parting shot: confusing markings and itty-bitty components

TWO: Bipolar Transistors

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Some basic transistor circuits
2.3 Ebers–Moll model applied to basic transistor circuits
2.4 Some amplifier building blocks
2.5 Negative feedback
2.6 Some typical transistor circuits

THREE: Field-Effect Transistors

3.1 Introduction
3.2 FET linear circuits
3.3 A closer look at JFETs
3.4 FET switches
3.5 Power MOSFETs
3.6 MOSFETs in linear applications

FOUR: Operational Amplifiers

4.1 Introduction to op-amps – the “perfect component”
4.2 Basic op-amp circuits
4.3 An op-amp smorgasbord
4.4 A detailed look at op-amp behavior
4.5 A detailed look at selected op-amp cir- cuits
4.6 Op-amp operation with a single power supply
4.7 Other amplifiers and op-amp types
4.8 Some typical op-amp circuits
4.9 Feedback amplifier frequency compensation

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FIVE: Precision Circuits

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5.1 Precision op-amp design techniques
5.2 An example: the millivoltmeter, revisited
5.3 The lessons: error budget, unspecified parameters
5.4 Another example: precision amplifier with null offset
5.5 A precision-design error budget
5.6 Component errors
5.7 Amplifier input errors
5.8 Amplifier output errors
5.9 RRIO op-amps: the good, the bad, and the ugly
5.10 Choosing a precision op-amp
5.11 Auto-zeroing (chopper-stabilized) amplifiers
5.12 Designs by the masters: Agilent’s accurate DMMs
5.13 Difference, differential, and instrumentation amplifiers: introduction
5.14 Difference amplifier
5.15 Instrumentation amplifier
5.16 Instrumentation amplifier miscellany
5.17 Fully differential amplifiers

SIX: Filters

6.1 Introduction
6.2 Passive filters
6.3 Active-filter circuits

SEVEN: Oscillators and Timers

7.1 Oscillators
7.2 Timers

EIGHT: Low-Noise Techniques

8.1 “Noise”
8.2 Signal-to-noise ratio and noise figure
8.3 Bipolar transistor amplifier noise
8.4 Finding en from noise-figure specifications
8.5 Low-noise design with bipolar transistors
8.6 Low-noise design with JFETS
8.7 Charting the bipolar–FET shootout
8.8 Noise in differential and feedback amplifiers
8.9 Noise in operational amplifier circuits
8.10 Signal transformers
8.11 Noise in transimpedance amplifiers
8.12 Noise measurements and noise sources
8.13 Bandwidth limiting and rms voltage measurement
8.14 Signal-to-noise improvement by bandwidth narrowing
8.15 Power-supply noise
8.16 Interference, shielding, and grounding

NINE: Voltage Regulation and Power Conversion

9.1 Tutorial: from zener to series-pass linear regulator
9.2 Basic linear regulator circuits with the classic 723
9.3 Fully integrated linear regulators
9.4 Heat and power design
9.5 From ac line to unregulated supply
9.6 Switching regulators and dc–dc converters
9.7 Ac-line-powered (“offline”) switching converters
9.8 A real-world switcher example
9.9 Inverters and switching amplifiers
9.10 Voltage references
9.11 Commercial power-supply modules
9.12 Energy storage: batteries and capacitors
9.13 Additional topics in power regulation

TEN: Digital Logic

10.1 Basic logic concepts
10.2 Digital integrated circuits: CMOS and Bipolar (TTL)
10.3 Combinational logic
10.4 Sequential logic
10.5 Sequential functions available as integrated circuits
10.6 Some typical digital circuits
10.7 Micropower digital design
10.8 Logic pathology

ELEVEN: Programmable Logic Devices

11.1 A brief history
11.2 The hardware
11.3 An example: pseudorandom byte generator
11.4 Advice

TWELVE: Logic Interfacing

12.1 CMOS and TTL logic interfacing
12.2 An aside: probing digital signals
12.3 Comparators
12.4 Driving external digital loads from logic levels
12.5 Optoelectronics: emitters
12.6 Optoelectronics: detectors
12.7 Optocouplers and relays
12.8 Optoelectronics: fiber-optic digital links
12.9 Digital signals and long wires
12.10 Driving Cables

THIRTEEN: Digital meets Analog

13.1 Some preliminaries
13.2 Digital-to-analog converters
13.3 Some DAC application examples
13.4 Converter linearity – a closer look
13.5 Analog-to-digital converters
13.6 ADCs I: Parallel (“flash”) encoder
13.7 ADCs II: Successive approximation
13.8 ADCs III: integrating
13.9 ADCs IV: delta–sigma
13.10 ADCs: choices and tradeoffs
13.11 Some unusual A/D and D/A converters
13.12 Some A/D conversion system examples
13.13 Phase-locked loops
13.14 Pseudorandom bit sequences and noise generation

FOURTEEN: Computers, Controllers, and Data Links

14.1 Computer architecture: CPU and data bus
14.2 A computer instruction set
14.3 Bus signals and interfacing
14.4 Memory types
14.5 Other buses and data links: overview
14.6 Parallel buses and data links
14.7 Serial buses and data links
14.8 Number formats

FIFTEEN: Microcontrollers

15.1 Introduction
15.2 Design example 1: suntan monitor (V)
15.3 Overview of popular microcontroller families
15.4 Design example 2: ac power control
15.5 Design example 3: frequency synthesizer
15.6 Design example 4: thermal controller
15.7 Design example 5: stabilized mechanical platform
15.8 Peripheral ICs for microcontrollers
15.9 Development environment
15.10 Wrapup


APPENDIX A: Math Review

APPENDIX B: How to Draw Schematic Diagrams

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APPENDIX C: Resistor Types

APPENDIX D: The ́venin’s Theorem

APPENDIX E: LC Butterworth Filters

APPENDIX F: Load Lines

APPENDIX G: The Curve Tracer

APPENDIX H: Transmission Lines and Impedance Matching

APPENDIX I: Television: A Compact Tutorial


APPENDIX K: “Where Do I Go to Buy Electronic Goodies?”

APPENDIX L: Workbench Instruments and Tools

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APPENDIX M: Catalogs, Magazines, Databooks

APPENDIX N: Further Reading and References

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APPENDIX O: The Oscilloscope

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APPENDIX P: Acronyms and Abbreviations